Blackfin Cisco |
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Name and Code |
Family |
Salmonidae - trouts and salmons |
Species |
Coregonus nigripinnis |
Taxonomic Authority |
(Milner 1874) |
Common Name(s) |
Blackfin Cisco |
French Name |
cisco à nageoires noires |
Conservation Status |
Global Rank (GRank) |
G1Q (2011-11-07) |
National Rank (NRank) |
NU (2017-12-22) |
Provincial Rank (SRank) |
SU (2018-03-28) |
COSEWIC Status |
Data Deficient (Apr 2007) |
SARO Status |
Data Deficient |
AFS Status |
Possibly Extinct1 (2,4) |
Status Notes |
(1) Lake Nipigon subspecies (C. nigripinnis regalis) designated as Threatened (2,4) by AFS |
Ecological Value |
Economic Importance |
commercial fishery (historical) |
Length-Weight Regression Coefficents |
Habitat and Feeding |
General Habitat(s) |
lacustrine |
Trophic Class |
planktivore |
Habitat Preference |
clear, cold, deep waters (55-165 m), usually >91 m in Great Lakes; 10-50 m (optimal 33-37 m) in Lake Nipigon |
Reproduction |
Reproductive Guild |
Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Pelagophils |
Spawning Habitat(s) |
lacustrine |
Spawning Season |
fall-winter |
Spawning Month(s) |
November-January |
Spawning Temperature (°C) |
<5 |
Nursery Habitat(s) |
lacustrine |
Size and Age |
Adult Length (cm) |
27.6-44.4 TL |
Adult Weight (kg) |
0.17-0.83 |
Age at Maturity (yrs) |
4-5 |
Maximum Length (cm) |
55.0 TL |
Ontario Records |
Record Length (cm) |
55.0 TL |
Ontario Range Map |
Ontario Distribution |
Lake Nipigon, Little Jackfish River, Ogoki River, Algonquin Park (Cedar, Hogan, Mink and Radiant Lakes), Lake Superior, Lake Huron (extirpated); last reported from Lake Huron in 1960 |
Photographs |
Notes |
largest species of the deepwater ciscoes |
Information Sources |
Barbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, B.D. Snyder, and J.B. Stribling. 1999. Tolerance and trophic guilds of selected fish species. Appendix C in Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and wadeable rivers: periphyton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish, second edition. EPA 841-B-99-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Water. Washington, DC. |
Becker, G.C. 1983. Fishes of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press. Madison, WI. xii + 1052 pp. |
Carlander, K.D. 1969. Handbook of freshwater fishery biology. Volume one. Life history data on freshwater fishes of the United States and Canada, exclusive of the Perciformes. Iowa State University Press. Ames, IA. vi + 752 pp. |
Coad, B.W. with H. Waszczuk and I. Labignan. 1995. Encyclopedia of Canadian fishes. Museum of Nature and Canadian Sportfishing Productions. Ottawa and Waterdown, ON. viii + 928 pp. |
Coker, G.A., C.B. Portt, and C.K. Minns. 2001. Morphological and ecological characteristics of Canadian freshwater fishes. Can. MS Rpt. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2554: iv + 89 p. |
COSEWIC. 2007. COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the Blackfin Cisco Coregonus nigripinnis in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. vi + 23 pp. |
COSEWIC. 2023. Canadian wildlife species at risk. October 2023. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Gatineau, QC. iv + 130 pp. |
Cudmore-Vokey, B. and E.J. Crossman. 2000. Checklists of the fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes and their connecting channels. Can. MS Rpt. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2550: v + 39 p. |
Ditz, K. and E. Holm. 2023. Ontario Fish Species Codes and Names. Ichthyology and Herpetology, Royal Ontario Museum. May 1994. Modified February 2023. |
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Goodyear, C.S., T.A. Edsall, D.M. Ormsby Dempsey, G.D. Moss, and P.E. Polanski. 1982. Atlas of the spawning and nursery areas of Great Lakes fishes. Volume thirteen: Reproductive characteristics of Great Lakes fishes. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, DC. FWS/OBS-82/52. |
Holm, E., N. Mandrak, and M. Burridge. 2021. A field guide to freshwater fishes of Ontario, second edition. Royal Ontario Museum Science Publication. Toronto, ON. 486 pp. |
Hubbs, C.L. and K.F. Lagler. 1964. Fishes of the Great Lakes region. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor, MI. xv + 213 pp. |
Hubbs, C.L., K.F. Lagler, and G.R. Smith. 2004. Fishes of the Great Lakes region, revised edition. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor, MI. xvii + 276 pp. |
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). 2023. On-line database. http://www.itis.gov, retrieved 02 May 2023. |
Jelks, H.L., S.J. Walsh, N.M. Burkhead, S. Contreras-Balderas, E. Díaz-Pardo, D.A. Hendrickson, J. Lyons, N.E. Mandrak, F. McCormick, J.S. Nelson, S.P. Platania, B.A. Porter, C.B. Renaud, J. J. Schmitter-Soto, E.B. Taylor, and M.L. Warren, Jr. 2008. Conservation status of imperiled North American freshwater and diadromous fishes. Fisheries 33(8):372-407. |
Koelz, W. 1929. Coregonid fishes of the Great Lakes. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 43:297-643. |
Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American freshwater fishes. North Carolina State Museum of Natural History Publication 1980-12. Raleigh, NC. x + 867 pp. |
Mandrak, N.E. and E.J. Crossman. 1992. A checklist of Ontario freshwater fishes annotated with distribution maps. Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Miscellaneous Publication. Toronto, ON. v + 176 pp. |
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Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr. 2011. Peterson field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico, second edition. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Boston, MA. xix + 663 pp. |
Page, L.M., K.E. Bemis, T.E. Dowling, H.S. Espinosa-Pérez, L.T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, K.E. Hartel, R.N. Lea, N.E. Mandrak, M.A. Neighbors, J.J. Schmitter-Soto, and H.J. Walker Jr. 2023. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 8th Edition. American Fisheries Society, Spec. Publ. 37. Bethesda, MD. 439 pp. |
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