The online resource for Ontario’s Fisheries Professionals since 2002 |
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Welcome to the Ontario Freshwater Fishes Life History Database |
A fully searchable database for all Ontario and adjacent Great Lakes freshwater fishes including introduced, extirpated and extinct species. |
Contains current information pertaining to life history, habitat, size and age, distribution, conservation status, ecological value, reproduction and nomenclature for 156 species, 3 subspecies and 2 established hybrids. |
Includes photographs, range maps, notes, Ontario record lengths and weights, length-weight regression coefficients, information sources, glossary of terms and related web links. |
Search by: |
Name or Code: Common, French or Scientific name, Authority, Family, Taxonomic Serial Number or OMNRF species code |
Conservation Status: GRank, NRank, SRank, COSEWIC, SARO, AFS |
Ecological Value: origin, general abundance, tolerance and/or economic importance |
Habitat and Feeding: general habitat, environment, thermal regime and/or trophic class |
Reproduction: reproductive guild, spawning habitat, spawning season and/or nursery habitat |
Cite Ontario Freshwater Fishes Life History Database as: Eakins, R.J. 2024. Ontario Freshwater Fishes Life History Database. Version 5.32. Online database. (https://www.ontariofishes.ca), accessed |
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Last update: 20 October 2024 |